Monday, February 29, 2016

February 26th - Food & The Internet

Not only do love everything to do with Space and NASA, but I also love food. I grew up as a very picky eater and use to sit at the dinner table for hours struggling to finish a plate of food. But as years had gone by I had started to try new foods began to eat more. I think what has started this are all the posts and blogs about food all over the Internet and the cooking shows on the televisions. I can sit in front of the TV (and computer) for hours looking at different foods and recipes from around the world. I add them to growing list of things to try.
There is a cooking show on YouTube that I constantly watch and wish I could have or make a major of food they make. It is Cooking with Dog.
Websites like Tastemade, have also contributed to my love for food as well, with their various shows made by chefs around the world.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

February 12th - The Sound That Black Holes Make

I am a Space/NASA fanatic. Ever since I can remember in elementary school, I remember answering I wanted to be an astronaut, whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Years passed on by and I did not pursue the astronaut career path for various reasons, but that did not diminish my passion for the stars. Just about any Space news there is, there is a 99.99% I know about it.

Just yesterday, NASA released that they were able to hear two black holes collide from a billion-light-years away. It was said, by the New York Times, that this was Albert Einstein's last prediction in 1915.  "The faint rising tone, physicists say, is the first direct evidence of gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago.  It completes his vision of a universe in which space and time are interwoven and dynamic, able to stretch, shrink and jiggle. And it is ringing confirmation of the nature of black holes, the bottomless gravitational pits from which not even light can escape, which were the most foreboding (and unwelcome) part of his theory."

It is amazing how much technology has advanced to the point that we can detect such things! It is simply beautiful. Hear for yourself, the sound the two black holes make when they collide. To me, they sound like bubbles popping. Now imagine, sometime in the future we might even get real life images of these phenomenons. Just the thought of it excites me immensely!

(Image from NYTIMES Soundcloud)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

February 4th - #DadDo

I was casually scrolling through my Facebook this afternoon when I came upon a few post talking about Pantene's new Super Bowl ad. Some of the repost of the commercial where from NFL teams such as the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The commercial features NFL players, Deangelo Williams (Pittsburgh Steelers), Jason Witten (Dallas Cowboys), and Benjamin Watson (New Orleans Saints) doing their young daughters' hair, or as the daughters' called it "Dad Do's".

The captions throughout the commercial says, "Girls who spend quality time with their dads, grow up to be stronger women. Put the next generation of strong in your hands. Strong is beautiful."

Just watching this commercial has definitely tugged a few heart strings for me. I felt a strong connection with this commercial because I, too, have a strong connection with my father. Although he's never attempted to do a "Dad Do" (thank goodness) he tells me, in his own way, that "strong is beautiful." Thank you, Pantene.