Monday, February 29, 2016

February 26th - Food & The Internet

Not only do love everything to do with Space and NASA, but I also love food. I grew up as a very picky eater and use to sit at the dinner table for hours struggling to finish a plate of food. But as years had gone by I had started to try new foods began to eat more. I think what has started this are all the posts and blogs about food all over the Internet and the cooking shows on the televisions. I can sit in front of the TV (and computer) for hours looking at different foods and recipes from around the world. I add them to growing list of things to try.
There is a cooking show on YouTube that I constantly watch and wish I could have or make a major of food they make. It is Cooking with Dog.
Websites like Tastemade, have also contributed to my love for food as well, with their various shows made by chefs around the world.

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